When she’s not helping struggling salons stay in business on her Bravo series Tabatha’s Salon Takeover, Australian-born hairstylist Tabatha Coffey coifs clients at her Ridgewood, N.J., shop Industrie Hair Gurus, an eco-friendly enterprise. “All the products we use in the salon have not been tested on animals, which is a big thing for me, and they are very safe. We use green cleaning products and have air filters because of the fumes,” says Coffey, who intends to remodel the place with energy-saving lighting. And instead of throwing away the bags of snipped hair collected each day, she donates them to Matter of Trust, which makes great use of the absorbent material. “They use it to mop up oil spills and help save the ocean,” she explains.
At home, Coffey recycles and uses CFL bulbs and green cleaners, which are safer for her dog. “It’s important to do as much as I can. We need to give back to the environment,” she believes. First seen as a contestant on Shear Genius, the peripatetic Coffey (she flies every five weeks to guest-style at the Warren-Tricomi salon in Los Angeles) begins her second Takeover season Nov. 3, and will work with salons in L.A, New York, Miami and Chicago. “The stakes are a little bit higher especially in this economic state at the moment,” she says.
From Mother Nature Network, http://www.mnn.com/lifestyle/ecollywood/stories/ecollywood-on-the-red-carpet-with-joely-fisher-mekhi-phifer-and-connie